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Hanging Sitting
TK's Two-Faced Xmas Dolls are hanging cloth doll ornaments made of unbleached calico, with a hand-coloured face (using Prismacolor pencils) on each side, and a dress made of second-hand fabric.

TK's Two Faced Xmas Doll Bells 2-1 TK's Two Faced Xmas Doll 1 TK's Two Faced Xmas Doll Flowers 2-2
The Grow Pillows (53cm x 41cm) are 3D wall hangings made from cotton muslin (unbleached and avocado-dyed), found fabrics, polyester stuffing, cotton and polyester threads and cotton twine.

Grow Pillow 1 Grow Pillow 2 Grow Pillow 3 Grow Pillow 4 Grow Pillow 5 Grow Pillow 6

Friend Forge (88cm x 88cm) is a wholecloth quilt made from cotton muslin, polyester batting and cotton thread.

Friend Forge 1 Friend Forge 2 Friend Forge 3 Friend Forge 4 Friend Forge 5 Friend Forge 6

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